What are the 5 steps to help the older worker learn new digital skills?
- Train and train again
- Connect local resources to be available
- Train face to face
- Small classrooms with large monitors are great
- Drill to narrow search results
- Google search is a wonder resource, provided you know how to effectively leverage it
- Less distractions, alerts, notifications
- Smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops should have the default alerts and notifications modified to the user's needs, and not the hardware or software provider
- Do not generalize
- Have the students prepare their tops 3 questions and specifically answer them with takeaways and homework
Tams, Stefan. 2021. “How to Help Older Workers Learn New Technology.” WSJ. The Wall Street Journal. November 26, 2021. https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-to-help-learn-old-employees-learn-new-technology-11637608125