The Digital Literacy Network or DigLit.Net is born to:
- Assist older workers age 60 and beyond with digital literacy skills that will help these older adults more effectively access employment, education and training.
- Oversee part-time employees of Land of Sky Regional Council who are providing digital literacy skills
- Develop innovative, career-focused outreach and recruitment strategies to serve older adults with digital literacy skills.
- Work in collaboration with staff at the
- NCWorks Career Center Asheville
- Mountain Area Workforce Development Board
- AB Tech
- Area Agency on Aging
- Experienced Worker Initiative - EWI, also known as Asheville 50+ Works
...and others to reach older workers and support them with:
- Career development
- Education
- Training services.
Participate in periodic business services meetings as required.
Attend as needed
- Workforce Development Board Meetings
- Experienced Worker Initiative Meetings
Engage in innovative outreach to reach older workers with a special focus on diversity, equity and inclusion reaching individuals of color, individuals from under-represented communities and populations.
Connect older workers with resources to support their
- Career development
- Education
- Training needs